Selling to the Seven Emotional Buying Styles

Get two sample chapters and the emotional style guide free by registering here

Goodbye DISC, Hello Emotional Style. We now have an application of decision-making for those of us who sell for a living.” D. Seidman – one of the top twelve sales coaches as ranked by Selling Power magazine

If I knew the emotional styles before my close rate would have increased dramatically” – E. Pizzolato – review for Australian Sales & Marketing Institute

"Power packed practical guide to understanding and working with emotional styles of people making a decision" - Chris Widner - author of the Art of Influence

Sales people … will increase sales by having a better understanding of emotional buying styles” – K. Barrot – Author, Salesman and Mentor

"Clear descriptions of the seven types hits home immediately and you'll find yourself thinking "Oh! That is exactly like so and so..." - Cath Stephensen - CEO Stephensen Training

"very practical book that offers some meaty tips and suggestions for anyone who is serious about understanding what really motivates the buyers of their products or services" - Matt English - strategy and organisation consultant, public speaker, previously Partner IBM Global Business Services and PwC

Sales people have learned hundreds of tricks to help people make a decision and close the sale, most of which today’s buyers have learned and are now immune to. The big problem sales people face is “How do you sell when buying is now such a logical process?”

Recent breakthrough scientific studies have revealed logic plays only a small role in the decision making process and in most cases logic is used simply to justify an emotional decision.

In Selling to the Seven Emotional Buying Styles, you will discover how and why emotion is such an important part in decision making and we reveal a much simpler way to close a sale. You will learn how to drive emotion in a way buyers will not be aware of. Emotion, as it is a chemical reaction in the brain, once triggered can not be turned off. Buyers will sometimes wonder why they made a decision when they know the logical choice was something else.

This is a very practical book designed to give you everyday tools to take advantage of this breakthrough in understanding of how people make decisions. You will meet and identify the seven emotional styles.

  • The Hustler
  • The Artist
  • The Normal
  • The Engineer
  • The Politician
  • The Double Checker
  • The Mover

Every person from the CEO to receptionist makes decisions based on emotion. You will be given a simple tool to identify each style using outward signs such as clothing, language, stance and office decor.  You will learn techniques to drive emotion through the use of green and red emotional buttons. 

This book provides a summary of the scientific evidence showing why the old idea of a person being a logical being, when faced with a decision, is wrong. Whether you or your client is aware of it, emotion drives every decision. Emotional Intelligence is today’s buzz word driving the way people learn. In the same way emotion is also the way every buyer you meet will make a decision, and each buyer will make a decision based on their emotional makeup. Every person you meet and want to influence will have a mixture of the seven emotional styles and understanding them is your key to future sales.

If you are looking to influence a decision or close a sale this book gives you the strategies to work with each emotional style. If you want to establish rapport this book helps you by giving you ideas for conversation starters, what to talk about and questions to ask of each emotional style so you will know what is really going on in their mind and, importantly, the chemistry in their brain driving emotion.

Most importantly it provides you with real tools so you can use emotion to close that important sale.

This book takes real life sales examples from my 30 years experience in sales and sales management to demonstrate the power emotion brings in closing the sale. I have provided examples of loosing campaigns where we have turned them around into winning sales in seconds just by recognising and addressing emotional needs. You will instantly recognise the emotional styles in your colleagues and your clients and understand why they behave in certain ways. This book includes worksheets, a test for you’re your own emotional style and ideas to use in your sales meetings. 

This is one book you will refer to time and again to help you plan sales calls and closing sales.

Make every sales call pay by selling to emotional needs.

Get two sample chapters and the emotional style guide free by registering here

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Fascinating, Potent, and best of all.. Useful!
September 28, 2012

By Dan Seidman
Gregory Ferrett has taken a ton of research on emotion in decision-making and crafted a great book for business and sales professionals.

The foundational concept from Selling to the Seven Emotional Buying Styles is this...

The number one rule in understanding business to business relationships is; "A relationship can only be between two people - never between companies." All other rules fall under this.

There are seven types of buyer that a salesperson will encounter. They're easier to identify than you'd think.

The reader can then absorb the powerful details on each style, in several ways.

$ Read the text
$ View the cartoon
$ Work through a chart

The bullets are dollar signs for a reason. These concepts have high value for sales professionals.

This easy, fast and fun read is a perfect way to recognize how specific buyers will buy.

Ferrett references Jonah Lehrer's outstanding book on emotion in decision-making, How We Decide. I've recommended that work to salespeople around the planet.

We now have an application of that work for those of us who sell for a living.

Goodbye DISC, Hello Emotional Style.


Eugene Pizzolato - for the Australian Sales & Marketing Institute
In my roles as Sales Capability Manager at Fosters Group; National Sales Training Manager and State Manager at Nestle; and Enable Sales Leadership Facilitator at NAB I have read a lot of sales training material. I was privileged to be an early reviewer of this book.
From the moment I opened the first page I could not put this book down. As I read about each of the seven emotional buying styles I straight away linked each emotional style with people I deal with every day. It became abundantly clear why I connected with certain people and others just seemed to not get what I was saying.
I realised why I could not close some deals as my approach did not talk to the emotional style of the buyer, so he/she would not buy. If I knew the emotional styles before my close rate would have increased dramatically.
While the Author takes time to explain the science of emotion and emotional intelligence, and some of the stunning recent breakthroughs in understanding of emotion, he does so in an easy to read narrative way never pretending to be an academic. He leaves the serious science to others. Rather he gets stuck into the practicalities of using the science in everyday life. He introduces you to;
  •         The Hustler
  • The Artist
  • The Normal
  • The Engineer
  • The Politician
  • The Double Checker
  • The Mover
The author introduces the concept of green and red buttons for each emotional style, which for me helped explain some to the sudden changes in mood I have experienced in life, or seen in others. I recognised I had pushed green or red button not realising what I had done.  While the focus of this book is on sales people it has real and practical application is every part of your life where you need someone to make a decision or you just need to influence an outcome.  One other thing I really appreciated is the authors’ humorous outlooks on each style and the use of cartoon outtakes. Included are easy to use tables and activities to help you implement the concepts in everyday life.

Matt English, Strategy and Organisation cosultant, public speaker, Member of the panel of Experts at Australia Beyond Broadband, previously partner IBM Global Business Services and PwC

This is a most commendable work, as it brings together the seven emotional buying styles concisely and effectively. The author speaks from extensive practical experience in many different selling situations.

This book is engaging and pragmatic. You can apply its ideas immediately. Indeed, it had me wondering about many selling situations that did not go according to plan, and that in hindsight one could have played the game very differently based on the seven emotional styles. How often have we been absorbed in selling to the more "technical" side of the buyer, and assumed that would largely win the day? The author challenges the reader not only to recognise the seven emotional styles, but also to actively work these into the selling process. Sales teams can take a lot from this book, especially around how to manage the different styles.

I found the book to be very well structured and easy to follow. The single example threaded through the book had me wondering at first, but it actually works very well. The one example can be viewed through the different lenses of the seven styles, and hence the reader is shown the very clear differences between them.

Overall, this is a very practical book that offers some meaty tips and suggestions for anyone who is serious about understanding what really motivates the buyers of their products or services.
Power Packed Practical Guide
October 16th 2012
By Chris Widener - Author of the Art of Influence
Read Selling to the Seven Emotional Buying Styles by Greg Ferrett ... a power packed practical guide to understanding and working with the emotional styles of people making a decision.

Slick, quick and easy
October 24, 2012
By Cath Stephensen
A terrific primer to get you thinking about why it's sometimes hard to connect with buyers. If you've ever felt the brick wall go up with a buyer, a boss or a workmate, this guide helps you know why and gives you the tools to take control of the relationship and stay connected.The clear descriptions of the seven types hits home immediately and you'll find yourself thinking "Oh! That is exactly like so and so..." as you read through the chapters. I'll be applying it to all sorts of situations, not just when I'm trying to sell. Print or make a copy of the chart `Living the seven emotional buying styles', and stick it on your wall, inside your briefcase lid, inside your diary or notepad, or on the back of the toilet door. It's a `must have', if you want to improve your client and workplace relationships.

Keith Barrot, Author, Salesman & Mentor
Congratulate you on the content and the presentation.
The way you have explained the personality types together with the cartoons and summary at the end of each chapter makes for easy learning from a salespersons point of view.
Many books on selling covering this topic are far too detailed and difficult to follow, especially for the salesperson who wants to get a grip on the selling profession.
It also will allow the salesperson to review their presentations and plan improvements to increase sales by having a better understanding the emotional buying styles.
Next year I am planning to be more active in my business through the use of workshops and will not hesitate in recommending your book.

The title attracted me to this book

September 7, 2012
By Merna Short

I’m not in sales but meet people that I need to interact positively with.
This book is easy reading, practical, and goes far beyond sales in its application.
In everyday life to interact effectively with people, understanding personalities is the key to successful communication.
This is an everyday relationship guide for anyone and everyone.
Congratulations Greg Ferrett on a down to earth presentation.

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